Legal Notice

CA Akademie privates Institut
für Controlling und
Unternehmensführung AG

Münchner Str. 8, D-82237 Wörthsee
Tel: +49 8153 889740
Fax: +49 8153 8897425


Board of Directors
Dorothee Deyhle, Dr. Klaus Eiselmayer

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
RA Conrad Günther

Amtsgericht München HRB 131060

VAT ID number

Tax number

Concept, design and realization
deyhle & löwe Werbeagentur GmbH, Gauting

Privacy policy and liability disclaimer

Anonymous data collection: You can always visit our websites without telling us who you are. We neither save the name of your Internet service provider, nor the website from which you visited us, nor the name of the requested file.

Personal data collection and processing: We only collect and save personal data imparted to us insofar as it is required within the scope of our services and their performance. Should you object to usage, we shall delete your data immediately.

Disclosure of personal data: Data imparted to us is saved and used for our own mailings and for mailings by International Controller Verein e.V., a non-profit organization linked to CA Akademie AG through the pooling of addresses. No data is disclosed to third parties.

Hyperlinks: The CA Akademie AG website contains hyperlinks to other websites in the Internet. CA Akademie AG hereby expressly declares that it has no influence whatsoever on the design and content of linked websites. CA Akademie therefore expressly disassociates itself from the content of linked websites and declines any responsibility for these websites. This declaration applies to all hyperlinks contained in the website.

Cookies: Our website also uses so-called „cookies“, which are designed to generally make our Internet presentation more user-friendly, effective and secure – for instance to speed up navigation on our platform. Cookies also enable us to measure the frequency of website visits and general navigation. Cookies are small text files that are stored in your computer system. Please note that some of these cookies are transferred to your computer system by our server. In this case, the cookies concerned will be most likely to be session cookies. Session cookies are automatically deleted from your hard disk at the end of the browser session. Other cookies remain in your computer system and allow us to recognise it when you visit our website again (so-called permanent cookies). You can of course reject cookies at any time, insofar as your browser allows for this.

Google Analytics: Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. („Google“). Google Analytics use so-called „cookies“, text files that are stored on your computer and that permit an analysis of your website usage. Information generated by cookies on your usage of this website (including your IP address) is transferred to and stored on a Google server in the USA. Google uses this information to enhance your website usage, to create reports about website activities for website operators, and to provide other services linked to website and Internet usage. Google may also disclose this information to third parties insofar as this is legally prescribed, or the said parties are authorised by Google to process this data. On no account will Google link your IP address to other Google data. You can prevent cookie installation by an appropriate setting in your browser software; however should you do so, please note that you will be unable to take full advantage of the functions on this website. By using this website you consent to Google’s processing of the data collected about you in the manner and for the purpose described above. Data collection and storage may be contradicted at any time for future effect. You can use the deactivation add-on from Google Analytics (, insofar as it is available to your browser.

Out of court settlement: As of 15 February 2016, the EU Commission provide an online platform for out-of-court disputes. This allows consumers to resolve disputes related to online ordering without the involvement of a court. The platform can be reached under the following external link: