Confidence in action through applicable knowledge and new competencies

22.11.2021 from CA Redaktion | Controlling English

Today, we have an infinite number of possibilities and an unlimited amount of knowledge. The crucial thing is to quickly find the appropriate methods and knowledge from the flood of what is available and to separate the important from the unimportant.  Especially when it comes to making the right decisions.

Today, knowledge decays quickly and what was (once) learned can often no longer be applied 1:1 because, for example, the market environment, the technology or the type of collaboration has changed. In order to apply knowledge sustainably, we have to put it into a new context. That is why CA controller akademie will focus even more on implementation in the future. We help you to select methods and to question existing knowledge in order to bring it into your company-specific context.  We practice with you in an implementation-oriented manner, organize exchange of experience and accompany you in the application „on the job“.

Six pillars for sustainable learning show the interplay between knowledge and skills

I have only developed real competence when I can confidently apply what I know in my business practice. You can see how you can follow this path in a targeted manner in our new annual program 2022 on pages 6 and 7. This path includes 6 learning steps. On the following two pages you will find suggestions on how to start this new learning culture.

Your personal login area

So that you do not have to enter your complete data for every seminar, you can now store them in your personal login area (you will find the icon/symbol for this in the top right-hand corner of the user interface of our website next to your notepad). Here you will also find your seminar and retraining documents. But also your acquired certificates as badges, for example for your profile in the social networks. This way you can show your skills even more.

In our annual program, we have summarized all the benefits for you on page 131, so that you can book even more quickly and easily in the future, receive recommendations for your personal training path and use training offers across all media.

Inhouse training & process support are becoming increasingly important

When it comes to creating a uniform understanding, uniform processes, uniform quality and performance standards in a company, only targeted and systematic training support can help. In the form of inhouse workshops, inhouse seminars, business coaching and process support, these support measures prove to be an important instrument, especially in volatile times, for acting promptly and remaining competitive. Inhouse we train, consult and coach you in all areas of our 5 topic areas. Nationally, internationally, in presence, as live online training or as follow-up webinars.

CA Consulting

Keyword implementation orientation: Market, competitive and environmental conditions are changing more and more rapidly and put companies under great pressure to change in order to ensure their own competitiveness. Business models, strategies, organizational structures, processes, systems, instruments and corporate culture must be constantly reviewed and adapted. At the same time, the people in the organization must be taken along on the path of change and actively involved.

Since this is not always possible or sensible using only the company’s own resources, more and more companies are turning to the experience of CA controller akademie. We accompany them from the conception to the completion of a project, including the necessary change process and the professional qualification of their employees. Perhaps you will find a project in our exemplary consulting use cases that corresponds to what you are currently dealing with.

And this closes the circle to our claim „From knowledge to ability“.

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