Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Usually you have to book a hotel room yourself if you need accommodation for a seminar. For seminars lasting several days, we have reserved room contingents in the respective hotels or in contract hotels in the surrounding area, which you can refer to when booking a room. Please note that the contingents are limited in time. We have not reserved any room contingents for one-day seminars.

Deviating from this applies to all our seminars at the Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten in Starnberg, Hotel Residence Starnberger See in Feldafing and the IHK Akademie in Feldkirchen-Westerham: Here we book a single room with half board for the duration of the seminar as standard with your seminar booking.

Please note: If you want to arrive before the seminar begins or stay longer at the hotel after the seminar, you would have to make these room reservations yourself at the hotels with reference to your seminar booking.

Lunch and seminar drinks are included in the seminar price.

At the locations Hotel Residence Starnberger See in Feldafing, Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten in Starnberg and IHK Akademie in Feldkirchen-Westerham the rate quoted on our website is the all-inclusive half-board price per day with room, breakfast and evening meal.

Important: If you do not book our half-board rate, you will have to settle your evening meal directly with the seminar hotel as a so-called „day guest“.

You will find the hotel prices in the list of seminar dates. Each seminar location has a link to all hotel details including the prices.

Seminar participants usually pay directly for their hotel and board costs that are not included in the seminar fees at the end of the seminar, in cash or with a credit card. Upon request, the seminar hotels usually agree to a later payment via invoice, however they need a written declaration of assumption of costs by the employer/company in advance.

Possible additional charges

In the period between April 1 and October 31, the Feldafing municipality charges a visitor’s tax of € 0.75 per person per day. The Bernried municipality charges a daily visitor’s tax of € 0.30 all year round. This tax must be paid upon checkout at the hotel. Some cities levy an accommodation tax which hotels add to the room price.

You should schedule about 40 minutes travel time from Munich Hauptbahnhof (main station) to Feldafing and Bernried, and about 1 hour 30 minutes from Munich Airport to the stations of Feldafing and Tutzing. Travel time from Munich Airport to Munich Hauptbahnhof (main station) is roughly 40 minutes. You will find the exact train schedules on We will send you further travel details about 3-4 weeks before the seminar.

If you have limited mobility and need to know which site is best suited to your needs, please call us (tel. +49 (0) 8153 88 974 – 0) or send us an email. We will be happy to assist you.

Most seminar participants are sent to our seminars by their companies, seminar costs can of course be claimed as business expenses. CA controller akademie is a purely private educational institution and has the status of a public limited company.

However, we do accept the so-called „education checks“ e.g. by the State of North-Rhine Westphalia, and some of our seminars are considered executive education in the sense of the statute on educational leave. As Germany is federally structured, each federal state has different laws on executive education and its funding, and there is no standard reply on funding options. Please contact us if you think your participation can be subsidized. We will be happy to check in your particular case, whether the seminar you wish to attend can be co-funded.

Yes, Stage I is not a „beginners'“ seminar. Its title is „Controllers Best Practice“ because it crosslinks the entire content of the training program. People with specialist knowledge might even want to focus on Stage I because it provides an overview of controlling methods and tools. The majority of participants are controllers who have already gained experience in their fields. The systematic training program in five stages unfolds its optimum effects – long-term successful learning – if you proceed gradually. Participants seeking to shorten their path through the five-stage program may first focus on stages I, II, and IV with their methodological and practical subjects. Each stage can be booked individually at the time suitable for the participant. We recommend you start with stage I.

The majority of participants are already controllers when they attend our seminars. So the five-stage-program is not a requirement for admission to the profession of controller, but an enhancement, training and honing controlling skills in an actively practiced profession. Repeated surveys among our participants show that for the majority a final exam is unimportant. However, the participants‘ presentations at the end of Stage V are evaluated by the trainer and the participants in the sense of a self-assessment.

You don’t have to bring anything special. However, we have listed a couple of items below that our participants thought were handy:

  • Colored pens
  • Marker pens
  • Pocket calculator
  • Ruler
  • Running shoes/clothes
  • Swimming gear – if a pool is available (or for swimming in the lake)
  • Sturdy shoes for the short outdoor walks at Hotel Marina in Bernried and Hotel Kaiserin Elisabeth in Feldafing.

You are free to wear what you like. There is no dress code. Please bring something warm to wear, as the weather may cool down quite severely around Lake Starnberg, even in summer.