Kooperationspartner der CA controller akademie

Erfahren Sie alles über die Kooperationspartner der CA controller akademie, wie den Internationalen Controller Verein (ICV), Rödl & Partner, die International Group of Controlling (IGC) und den ­Verlag für ControllingWissen AG (VCW).

Internationaler Controller Verein (ICV)

Der Internationale Controller Verein wurde als erste Controller-Vereinigung 1975 von Absolventen der CA controller akademie und dem CA-Gründer, Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dipl.-Kfm. Albrecht Deyhle und heutigem ICV-Ehrenvorsitzenden ins Leben gerufen.


Logo von Rödl&Partner

Rödl & Partner

In der Themenwelt Accounting & Finance arbeitet die CA AKADEMIE in enger Kooperation mit Rödl & Partner. Der agile Kümmerer für mittelständisch geprägte 
Weltmarktführer ist an 111 eigenen Standorten in 50 Ländern vertreten.

Rödl & Partner

Logo IGC

International Group of Controlling (IGC)

Die IGC ist eine internationale Interessengemeinschaft von Institutionen und Unternehmen, die Controlling in der praktischen Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung fördern. Die IGC setzt Standards für zukunftsorientiertes Controlling und erfolgreiche Controller-Arbeit.


Verlag für ControllingWissen AG (VCW)

Bereits 1969 rief CA-Gründer Dr. Dr. h.c. Albrecht Deyhle in Gauting bei München den Management Service Verlag (MSV) als betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachverlag ins Leben, der 1999 in die VCW AG umgegründet wurde und seit 2009 zur Haufe Mediengruppe in Freiburg gehört.



Die QUNIS GmbH, mit Sitz in Neubeuern, ist auf die Beratung und Lösungen für Business Intelligence (BI), Big Data & Advanced Analytics spezialisiert. Die ganzheitliche Herangehensweise der QUNIS-Experten gewährleistet nachhaltige BI- und Big-Data-Strategien und effektive Organisationen. Auf siebzehn Städte verteilt helfen die erfahrenen Berater mittelständischen und großen Unternehmen vor Ort, strukturiert und zuverlässig auch sehr komplexe Aufgaben umzusetzen. Von der Idee über die Umsetzung bis zur Nachbetreuung und Weiterentwicklung liefert QUNIS alles aus einer Hand.


Kooperationspartner - 4C GROUP AG

4C GROUP AG – Management Beratung für Entscheider und Unternehmer

Die 4C GROUP AG konzentriert ihre Beratung auf die Nahtstelle von Strategie und Umsetzung und führt zusammen, was zusammen gehört: Unternehmensstrategie und deren Um- und Durchsetzung in ausgewählten Unternehmensbereichen.

www.4cgroup.com   –   zur Kooperation mit der CA

Internationale Lizenzpartner

Institute of Management Accountants, USA

IMA, the association of accountants and financial professionals in business, is one of the largest and most respected associations focused exclusively on advancing the management accounting profession. Globally, IMA supports the profession through research, the CMA® (Certified Management Accountant) program, continuing education, networking and advocacy of the highest ethical business practices. IMA has a global network of more than 85,000 members in 140 countries and 300 professional and student chapters. Headquartered in Montvale, N.J., USA, IMA provides localized services through its four global regions: The Americas, Asia/Pacific, Europe and Middle East/India.


Corporate Performance One GmbH

Corporate Performance One GmbH, Munich

We are a network of independent international management consultants, trainers and interim managers with long-year professional experience. Our mission is assisting our clients achieving total performance excellence in their business. We deliver our services focusing on the following management issues, Achieving and accelerating business growth, Improving cost and capital efficiency and Enhancing and optimizing controlling & performance management. As management consultant, trainer or interim manager, we take different roles in our project work in order to meet different needs of our clients.


KOGNOSKO Controlling, Croatia

Kognosko Consultancy specializes in providing consultancy support in implementing or improving the complete function of controlling in companies. The mission is accumulating knowledge of and best practice in controlling from both Europe and the USA, with the purpose of implementing the same in companies to ultimately get both the private and public sectors to fully embrace and practice controlling.


Controlling School CRMT, Slovenia

CRMT is a leading consulting company in Slovenia specialized in Corporate Performance Management, Controlling, Business Intelligence, consulting and training. CRMT’s competitive advantage is our extensive team of experts with highest level of knowledge and competence. Šola kontrolinga – Controlling school – is specialized in consulting, coaching, trainings for managers and controllers for over 20 years (since 1995).


USENKOV.PRO, United Arab Emirates

Growing wealth and stability. These are main tasks that USENKOV.PRO project has been helping business owners to achieve since 2010. Controlling ideas and tools for optimization of strategic and operational activities offered by us help entrepreneurs to increase their capital faster. To make companies stronger, competitive and sustainable we train owners and top-managers to feel business at the fingertips, develop economical and financial awareness. Flagship 15-day „Controlling for the owners“ public course, other corporate and public seminars with trainers from CA controller akademie, an annual conference and recruiting — all this helps our customers to succeed.

Rodacomm Controlling & Consulting, Serbia

RODACOMM Ltd. was founded in 1992 from Dipl. Oec. Prof. Dr. Veselin Perovic as a consulting company in the field of expertise in financial management. Over more than 25 years we built our experience in practice. At the Faculty of Technical Sciences we founded Controlling as an academic discipline in the academic year 2005/2006. In the field of management of SME’s we improved our knowledge at the Bologna University centre in Italy and in Austria in 2003. During 2008 and 2009 we specialised in the field of Controlling at the Controller Akademie AG in Gauting, Munich.


Elexa Controlling, Spain

Elexa Controlling offers Controlling as an external service for small and medium size companies and start-ups: Reporting, cost accounting, analytical accounting and other typical controlling services. Furthermore controlling seminars and courses, in-house training in Spanish language.

Axel Ehberger / Elexa Controlling

MCB-Menadžment Centar Beograd, Serbia

MCB is leading company in Management education in Serbia. We have more than 30 different trainings in Finance, Controlling, Management and Sales.


Controlling Business Center

Controlling Business Center, North Macedonia

Controlling Business Center’s mission is to create success. It is a socially responsible company whose idea is the practical implementation of the controlling system in both the private and public sectors. Our goal is to provide you the highest quality, the most reliable financial and controlling education to help you overcome the obstacles to financial freedom and transform yourself into wealth.


Simone Verza

Simone Verza, Italy

Simone Verza is a consultant and trainer in controlling, management accounting and reporting. He helps controllers to improve controlling skills and helps companies to implement and optimize planning, controlling and reporting systems. He is IBCS® Certified Consultant, based in Italy and speaks fluently Italian, German and English.


IKAF Kooperationspartner

IKAF, Kosovo

The Institute for Accounting, Auditing, and Finance is a professional association, non-profit and independent legal entity, established in 2005. It is accredited as a certification body and is specialized in providing qualifications in the fields of Accounting, Auditing, Controlling, Business Valuations, and Finance.
Over the years IKAF organized numerous trainings and managed to certify thousands of professionals, enabling them to be employed and obtained leading positions to the sectors where they belong.
